Stanley, Idaho Jackpot & Townfolk Alley
The Sawtooth Mountain Mama's and the Sawtooth Shootist Society got together on September 6th & 7th in beautiful Stanley, Idaho for the Cowboy Gathering and Cowboy Fast Draw. The Cowboy Gathering kicked-off on Friday, September 5th, and we kicked-off Cowboy Fast Draw on September 6th.
Cowboy Poetry was held at different locations throughout town and a stage was right at our range for the weekend. Checkout the Cowboy Gathering event here:
The weather was just about perfect. We had cool mornings and evenings with warm days. We had quite a few spectators coming and going throughout both days. We ran a 7 round Come-to-Shoot format and then a double elimination shoot-off with a 100% payout and trophies to the top 3 on both days. In the evenings, the Cowboy Poets/Musicians/Singers performed on a stage set up in the park right by the range.
On Saturday, we ran the match all of the way through and then opened it up for the TownFolk Alley. After the TownFolk Alley dwindled down, we opened the range back up to the professionals for a Hot or Not challenge.
On Sunday, we ran the 7 rounds and then opened up the TownFolk Alley. After the TownFolk Alley, we finished up the shoot-off and were done and torn down by 3:30pm.
Saturday's Results:
Champions: Gunpowder Puff & Tin Bender & Willy the Kid (youth)
2nd Place: Sagebrush Sal & Trinity
3rd Place: Cool Hand Suz & Red Ryder
4th Place: Skinner
5th Place: Red Lead Slinger
6th Place: Curley Calhoun
Hot or Not:
1st Pot Winner – Red Ryder
2nd Pot Winner – Trinity
Top TownFolk Alley shooter: Charlie Newell .609 (Charlie had so much fun and really appreciated the shout-outs we gave his business (Saddle & Rawhide) that he donated two beautiful sets of leather cuffs for us to give away on Sunday. We decided to have each shooter on Sunday select a time they thought they could shoot. The one that hit it or came the closest to it won first choice at the cuffs and the second set of cuffs then went to the next closest shooter. )
Sunday Results:
Champions: Cool Hand Suz & Tin Bender
2nd Place: Krazy Kate & Curley Calhoun
3rd Place: Trinity
4th Place: Rossow
5th Place: Red Lead Slinger
Winners of the Leather Cuffs donated by Charlie Newell:
1st Choice: Trinity – He selected .418 and shot a .418
2nd set went to Curley Calhoun - He selected a .436 and shot a .437
Top TownFolk Alley shooter: Turkey Jr. .681 (she only hit one time out of her 10 shots, but hit the fastest Townfolk Alley time for the day)
A big thanks to everyone who helped set up and tear down the range and help with the TownFolk Alley. And special thanks to Karen for helping with the score keeping. She did an excellent job.
This event was sponsored by the Sawtooth Mountain Mama's. Visit their web site to learn about other fun events.