Return To Lonesome Lowman 2014 Results
Youth Results:
Annie Oakley Champion: Angel Eyes
Billy the Kid Champion: Kid Rango
Ladies & Men's Main Match Results:
Ladies Men
Champions: Legally Loaded Buzzard Cooper
2nd Place: Loto Curley Calhoun
3rd Place: Lady Drifter Straight Shot
4th Place: Misty Few Gray Wolf
5th Place: Cool Hand Suz Desperado
6th Place: Ms. Hettie Gambit
7th Place: KarrUn Iron Alamo Outlaw
8th Place: Mustang Annie Skinner
9th Place: Sagebrush Sal Bounty Hunter
10th Place: Two Talker Gambler
11th Place: Six Iron Butterfly Rossow
12th Place: Lady Hawk Montana
13th Place: Little Lady Tucson
14th Place: Krazy Kate Trinity
15th Place: Idaho Bandit
16th Place: Stanislaus
17th Place: Idaho Stretch
18th Place: Red Lead Slinger
19th Place: Buckshot Luther
20th Place: No Daisy
Side Match Champions (Portion of side match proceeds goes to Happy Trails Children's Foundation):
Hot or Not: Gray Wolf
Hit It & Win It (.777): Lady Drifter
Eliminator: Desperado
Night Fire: Loto & Buzzard Cooper
Top Shot: Misty Few (.529) & Straight Shot (.371)
Poker Run: Skinner (2.025)